
09 Mar

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Latest updates regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Following government guidance, Jubilee Day Nursery and Jubilee Gems, from Monday 23rd March, will only be operational for children of key workers who are ‘critical to the Covid-19 response’.

The released ‘Guidance for schools, colleges and local authorities on maintaining education provision’, linked below, gives an extensive list of key workers. If you fall into one of these categories and have spoken with your employer to clarify that your role is ‘critical to the Covid-19 response’ please make yourself known to us by 3pm today via private Famly message to either Lesley or Sian to enable us to effectively staff and cater for the provision.

People in this category will continue to be invoiced for their scheduled sessions and any adhoc sessions required can be booked through Famly. These extra sessions will be catered for for as long as our staff and staff ratio allow.

However, ‘The government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, if children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.’

For us to move forward with a plan for Jubilee during this uncertain time we need to be made aware of who will be requiring our services.

This is a continuous moving target with new information being released daily from the government, For parents who are not key workers, we are deferring sending this month’s invoices as we are awaiting information from the government in regards to Early Years Childcare financial support. As soon as this becomes available we will inform you via Famly.

We understand there is not full clarity within this message, however, we need this information from yourselves and further direction from the government to devise a sustainable plan moving forwards ensuring that Jubilee is able to continue to provide for all of our parents and children and to survive in these uncertain times.

Thank you for your continued support.

Last updated: 20th March 2020

Get in touch

To find out more information about the care and opportunities we can provide for your child, please send us a message or give us a call. We are always happy to help and are delighted to show people around. You can be sure of a warm welcome!


Jubilee Gems Nursery
School Road


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0118 983 4018

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